XSPOT partners with NAKYMATONE
Xspot partners with Nakymatone to provide
a fully invisible acoustic experience.
Nakymatone install with Xspot

Nakymatone Xpack
Invisible wiring system for
Invisible speakers
Nakymatone's Executive VP, Eric Nakkila took one look at Xspot's wiring system and new instantly Xspot would be a perfect solution.
Using the Xspot wire location system, both the wire placement and the dimensions of your opening will be identified within minutes with precise accuracy. (see install video)
We make it easy with NEW Nakymatone Xpack which comes with (10) Xspot re-usable wire devices, 30 feet of mounting strap, a sheet of Endpoint labels, and the Xlocator tool set, everything you need for the perfect invisible install. Available now directly from Nakymatone store in Canada or on the Xspot Store.
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Invisible Speakers
Our completely unique patent pending design incorporates characteristics that provide incredible sound. The mission was clear, create a speaker that sounds awesome without any visual intrusion. First ever fully enclosed invisible speaker with every sonic detail considered. Now with Nakymatone you can have less sound bleeding into adjacent rooms, no frequency hot spots, fully enclosed design, and the Nakymatone speakers are completely invisible! Nakymatone uses CRT to deliver sound in a way that is more like a musical instrument.
CRT© is Controlled Resonance Technology
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